"Everything is so fucking green", the Zebra-thing thought. "Where am I? Where is all this leading to? And anyway - who am I?" He often enjoyed contemplating on those questions. But today he really wished he at least knew what his name was.
Gerda hatte den Selbstauslöser zu schnell programmiert, aber es war das einzige Foto, das ihr vom Besuch bei ihren Verwandten in Brüssel blieb. Und es hatte Fettflecken.
Gerda hadn't quite worked out the self timer. But, alas, it was the only foto she had from the visit to her relatives in Brussels. And it had finger marks.
"What had mother always said? Never mix drinks?" Edward had had tequila, martini, vodka and gin. But he hadn't mixed them. No. They had each been in a seperate glass with a cute little umbrella. Or two.
Franz wusste nicht genau, wie er das verstehen durfte. Kuno sass jetzt also schon sehr nahe. Also sagte er "soooo, ich sollte dann langsam". Doch Kuno lächelte bloss.
Kuno leaned over Franz and exclaimed: "Look, over there, a balloon!" And then he did'nt move back. Franz began to feel a little uncomfortable. Had he used his deo this morning? And why was he asking himself this. He wasn't gay, god forbid.
Hilde hatte sich ihren Vater anders vorgestellt. Irgendwie. Aber vielleicht erklärte das ihre angeborene Überheblichkeit. Nein, sagte sich Hilde, es rechtfertigte sie.
Es geht heiss zu und her in Aadorf...
Ungewöhnliches Wetterphänomen....oder:
- ein vom Praktikanten falsch eingestelltes Messinstrument
- ein Bär hat das sich das Thermometer...